Infiltrator Water Technologies Online Catalog of Products Coming Soon!

Southern Plumbing & Heating Supply proudly offers Infiltrator Water Technologies brand products in our store.

At the present time, these products are not included on our web site for online shopping.

Contact a Southern Plumbing & Heating Supply sales associate at or visit one of our locations for additional information on our in store selection of Infiltrator Water Technologies products.

Infiltrator Water Technologies is a market leader within the onsite wastewater treatment industry, Infiltrator manufactures a variety of revolutionary products and innovative, environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional stone and pipe leachfield and concrete septic wastewater system components. We sell our products through wholesale distribution across the United States and Canada for use on properties with onsite wastewater treatment systems. For over 30 years, Infiltrator Water Technologies has sought to create new and innovative solutions for wastewater and water management. In the late 1980s Infiltrator was started as a company providing an efficient solution to conventional onsite wastewater management. Jim Nichols, the founder of Infiltrator, saw a problem with the design of his own leachfield, prompting him to develop a better alternative using plastic. Since then, Infiltrator has continued to expand and diversify, offering multiple product lines for the onsite wastewater industry. In addition to a full line of products to support the onsite wastewater industry, Infiltrator offers products for general water management including potable water tanks and drainage solutions. In 2018, Infiltrator expanded into the advanced wastewater treatment segment of the industry with the acquisition of Delta Environmental assets from Pentair Flow Technologies. Today, Infiltrator has reestablished the Delta brand under a new wholly owned subsidiary of Infiltrator, Delta Treatment Systems, LLC. Delta Treatment Systems manufactures and sells products for residential and commercial advanced wastewater treatment including custom package treatment plants and ECOPOD and Whitewater models.